What worries CEOs the most about generative AI

What worries CEOs the most about generative AI
Thumos Podcast
What worries CEOs the most about generative AI

Jan 23 2024 | 00:03:52

Episode January 23, 2024 00:03:52

Show Notes

In today's episode, we'll cover CEOs' concerns about generative AI, the discrepancy between 94% of Google SGE links and organic results, and Mark Zuckerberg's disclosure of Meta's open source AGI plans. Make sure to visit us at thumos.uk for more new content.

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Welcome to the Thumos Podcast, your go-to source for the latest information and engrossing stories surrounding the ever-evolving landscape of media and technology. Join us as we delve into the fascinating power shifts that are shaping the world around us. Find out more at thumos dot uk In today's episode, we'll cover CEOs' concerns about generative AI, the discrepancy between 94% of Google SGE links and organic results, and Mark Zuckerberg's disclosure of Meta's open source AGI plans. So, here's the thing. CEOs, they have a lot on their plate. They're responsible for making big decisions that can shape the future of their companies. And when it comes to this whole generative AI thing, they have some concerns. A recent PwC survey reveals significant concerns among CEOs regarding the cybersecurity risks of generative AI, with 64% prioritizing this concern. As cyberattacks are on the rise, expected to cause damages of about 10 trillion dollars annually by 2025, CEOs also worry about generative AI's potential to spread misinformation in their companies. In response, OpenAI is developing initiatives to mitigate these risks, including collaborations on open-source cybersecurity software and tools for more transparent AI-generated content. Additionally, amidst concerns over deepfakes influencing elections, there's a movement towards stricter regulation and disclosure, particularly in political campaigns, as evidenced by legislation in several U.S. states and efforts by companies like Google, Meta, and TikTok. Next. A recent study shows that Google's Search Generative Experience (SGE), it’s experimental new feature which uses AI to summarize search topics, produces links that are 94% different from traditional organic search results. SGE was active in 87% of analyzed keywords, typically displaying around 10 links per answer, but from only about four unique websites. This suggests a significant shift in search dynamics, with SGE introducing a variety of new sources, potentially impacting traditional SEO strategies. For those who work in SEO, this indicates the need to adapt to SGE's growing influence in search queries. Finally. Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced on Instagram this week that the company is advancing in the field of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) by merging its FAIR and GenAI research teams. This initiative aims to build an open source AGI to make it broadly accessible. Zuckerberg emphasized the importance of advancements across various AI domains, including reasoning and memory, for the next generation of AI services. He highlighted Meta's work on training the Llama 3 AI model and the construction of a significant computational infrastructure, featuring 350,000 Nvidia H100 GPUs. Furthermore, he discussed the synergy between AI, the Metaverse, and Meta's Ray-Ban smart glasses, envisioning a future where AI interactions are integrated into daily life through wearable technology. This announcement follows OpenAI CEO Sam Altman's comments at Davos and despite skepticism from Meta's chief scientist Yann LeCun about the near-term feasibility of AGI. It also adds to the ongoing debate about the potential risks and benefits of open-source versus closed-source AI. So, to sum it up, CEOs are worried about generative AI, the SEO industry may have to reinvent itself and on top of that, we've got Meta diving headfirst into the AGI pool. Exciting times ahead, my friends. In today's podcast, we covered CEOs' concerns about generative AI, the discrepancy between 94% of Google SGE links and organic results, and Mark Zuckerberg's disclosure of Meta's open source AGI plans. Thank you for tuning into the Thumos Podcast, where we delve into the impactful power shifts in media and technology that are shaping our world – don't forget to subscribe and join us again for our next episode!

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