The Prowly PR trends and predictions for 2024

The Prowly PR trends and predictions for 2024
Thumos Podcast
The Prowly PR trends and predictions for 2024

Dec 18 2023 | 00:03:31

Episode December 18, 2023 00:03:31

Show Notes

In today's episode, we'll cover, the Prowly PR's predictions for 2024, the continued popularity of YouTube as the top social app for teens, and Axel Springer's partnership with OpenAI. Make sure to visit us at for more new content.

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Welcome to the Thumos Podcast, your go-to source for the latest information and stories about the technological power shifts in media, marketing and communications that are shaping the world around us. Make sure to visit us at thumos dot uk for more new content. In today's episode, we'll cover, the Prowly PR's predictions for 2024, the continued popularity of YouTube as the top social app for teens, and Axel Springer's partnership with OpenAI. Hey there! Welcome back Today, we've got some interesting PR trends and predictions for the year 2024. A new trends report by PR software company, Prowly, underscores a significant shift towards AI integration in PR workflows, emphasizing AI content generation, data-driven strategies, and AI for research. Sourced from nearly 300 PR professionals, Key trends include a strong focus on social responsibility, digital PR, and innovative pitching methods. The report highlights the growing importance of micro-influencers, employee advocacy, and adapting to new social media platforms. Major challenges identified for 2024 include managing information overload, balancing technological advances with ethical considerations, and navigating a rapidly changing media landscape. The trend analysis suggests a move away from traditional approaches like mass media pitching and paid media coverage, pointing towards more authentic, strategic, and technology-driven PR practices. Next. A Pew Research report on teen social media usage reveals YouTube as the top social platform among teens, with Snapchat now surpassing Instagram in popularity. TikTok, while not the most used, is noted for its high engagement, with teens frequently using it 'almost constantly'. The research also highlights demographic variations, with Instagram being less popular among younger teens, and Facebook more prevalent in lower-income households. In contrast, BeReal shows higher usage in wealthier demographics. These insights are crucial for marketers targeting the teen audience, particularly for planning 2024 strategies, as they provide a clear understanding of where teens are most active and engaged online. Finally! Another fascinating development in the world of AI and media. German publishing giant, Axel Springer, has entered into a groundbreaking agreement with OpenAI, granting the AI company access to its news content for training artificial intelligence models. This deal, involving content from Axel Springer's publications such as Bild, Politico, and Business Insider, is set to generate tens of millions of euros annually for the publisher. It will enable OpenAI to create advanced AI technology capable of generating text, images, and code, closely resembling human output. 2024 is shaping up to be an exciting year and we can't wait to see how things unfold. Will YouTube continue to reign supreme? Will Axel Springer's collaboration with OpenAI revolutionize the news industry? Only time will tell. But one thing's for sure, it's going to be an interesting ride! And there you have it, a quick overview of the Prowly PR trends and predictions for 2024. Stay tuned for more updates and insights coming your way. Until next time! In this week's episode, we covered, the Prowly PR's predictions for 2024, the continued popularity of YouTube as the top social app for teens, and Axel Springer's partnership with OpenAI. Thank you for tuning into the Thumos Podcast, where we delve into the impactful power shifts in media and technology that are shaping our world – don't forget to subscribe and join us again for our next episode! Bye for now!

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