The global race to set the rules for AI

The global race to set the rules for AI
Thumos Podcast
The global race to set the rules for AI

Sep 13 2023 | 00:04:33

Episode September 13, 2023 00:04:33

Show Notes

In today's episode, we cover the global race to set AI rules, AI usage data, artists' support for generative AI, and the new AI tools by HubSpot. Don't forget to visit us at for more insights. 

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Welcome to the Thumos Podcast, your go-to source for the latest information and stories about the AI power shifts in media, marketing and communications that are shaping the world around us. Make sure to visit us at for more new content. In today's episode, we cover the global race to set AI rules, AI usage data, artists' support for generative AI, and the new AI tools by HubSpot. Hey there! Welcome back. A recent Financial Times feature covers how the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence, especially generative models like ChatGPT, is raising critical questions around regulation. There is broad agreement that AI needs governing to address risks, but approaches diverge widely between regions. The EU proposes strict oversight making developers liable for harms, while the US and UK favour flexible, industry-friendly regimes. China may impose the tightest restrictions to control information. With rules varying globally, compliance looks set to frustrate tech firms operating internationally. Attempts at regulatory coordination are underway, but consensus remains elusive even as AI proliferates rapidly. The industry prefers self-governance for now, but critics argue this failed with social media oversight. Until substantial regulation emerges, tech giants will largely police themselves, reluctantly localizing as required. Finding common ground on AI governance globally remains an urgent but thorny challenge. In other news, some fascinating AI usage data has just been released. A new survey from Salesforce shows rapidly increasing adoption of generative AI, with almost half of people having used it and over a third tapping into it daily. However, there remains an AI divide - while younger, employed super users eagerly embrace generative AI, seeing it as useful and masterable, older non-users are unfamiliar with the technology and unsure of its benefits. Salesforce aims to close this gap by developing AI that is trustworthy and accessible for all, predicting generative AI's incredibly fast adoption rate marks it as a transformative technology that will change how people live and work. But, not everyone is on board with the AI revolution. A group of artists recently penned an open letter to Congress arguing that generative AI tools have the potential to democratize art creation. They contend these technologies are not inherently detrimental to human creativity. However, the letter glosses over valid objections around unethical training data practices. While positioning AI as an empowering force, it ignores concerns that major AI art models relied on appropriating copyrighted work without artist permission. The letter represents one perspective in a complex debate. While advocating for artist inclusion in AI regulation, it overlooks core grievances about intellectual property theft. There is disagreement within the creative community about emerging generative AI. All sides agree artists should help guide appropriate development and use. Finding common ground will enable collaboration amidst conflicting views on these transformative new tools. Lastly, HubSpot unveiled a suite of new AI-powered sales, marketing, and customer service tools at its INBOUND 2023 conference, aiming to evolve into the SMB platform of choice by making emerging AI technology easily adoptable. The announcements include AI Assistants for drafting content and designs, AI Agents for automated customer service, predictive analytics for data-driven decisions, and an integration with ChatGPT called ChatSpot. HubSpot also revamped its Sales Hub with AI features like intelligent deal management to modernize sales processes. By integrating leading AI like OpenAI and LinkedIn, HubSpot wants to help current and future SMB customers leverage AI to grow their businesses and customer acquisition without needing extensive internal AI resources and expertise. That's it for today's AI news roundup. Another jam-packed week of AI news and we're just scratching the surface On this episode, we explored the global race to set AI rules, the latest AI usage data, artists' support for generative AI, and new AI tools by HubSpot. Thank you for tuning into the Thumos Podcast – don't forget to subscribe and join us again for the next episode! Stay informed to stay inspired and we'll see you again soon!

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