Musk says chatbot ‘Grok’ will launch to X Premium soon

Musk says chatbot ‘Grok’ will launch to X Premium soon
Thumos Podcast
Musk says chatbot ‘Grok’ will launch to X Premium soon

Nov 30 2023 | 00:04:15

Episode November 30, 2023 00:04:15

Show Notes

In today's episode, we'll cover Elon Musk's chatbot 'Grok' coming to X, new research on British teenagers' use of generative AI and a new report which found that social media doesn't harm mental health. Make sure to visit us at for more new content.

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Welcome to the Thumos Podcast, your go-to source for the latest information and stories about the technological power shifts in media, marketing and communications that are shaping the world around us. Make sure to visit us at thumos dot uk for more new content. In today's episode, we'll cover Elon Musk's chatbot 'Grok' coming to X, new research on British teenagers use of generative AI and a new report which found that social media doesn't harm mental health. Hey there! Welcome back. Elon Musk has once again made headlines with his latest venture in artificial intelligence. His AI company, x-AI, is set to launch 'Grok,' a new AI chatbot, exclusively for X Premium subscribers next week. This development follows the emergence of screenshots showing Grok's integration into X's web app, sparking curiosity and anticipation in the tech community. Grok, touted as Musk's answer to rivals like OpenAI's ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and Anthropic’s Claude, promises a unique blend of personality and wit, aiming to stand out in the increasingly crowded field of AI chatbots. With its capability to access real-time information via the X platform and answer more provocative questions, Grok is poised to add significant value to X’s Premium subscription service, particularly in light of recent challenges faced by the company. On a different note, a recent report by Ofcom revealed that nearly 80% of British teenagers, aged between 13 and 17, are actively engaging with generative artificial intelligence tools. This rapid embrace of AI by younger generations, with popular platforms such as Snapchat's My AI leading among teenage girls, underscores the generational ease with adopting new technologies. The report also highlights that the UK's digital landscape is evolving, with YouTube now surpassing Facebook as the most visited website, and an overall increase in daily internet usage, particularly among young adults aged 18 to 24. This surge in digital engagement raises concerns and considerations for online safety, especially as the UK government, led by Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, navigates the balance between fostering AI development and implementing regulatory measures. Additionally, the report sheds light on broader online behaviors, including the use of dating services and the prevalence of online harms, indicating a complex and shifting digital environment in the UK. But here's some good news for all the worrywarts out there. In a groundbreaking study, researchers from the Oxford Internet Institute have challenged the commonly held belief that internet use, particularly through smartphones and social media, detrimentally affects mental health. Analysing data from over 2 million individuals across 168 countries, this extensive study, spanning from 2005 to 2022, found no substantial evidence to suggest that activities like social media browsing and gaming cause widespread harm to mental health. This finding is particularly significant as it contrasts with previous research that linked the onset of the smartphone era to increased anxiety and depression, especially among teenagers. The study highlights the need for more robust data and global perspectives in understanding the relationship between technology and mental well-being, amidst ongoing debates and regulatory proposals concerning the impact of digital technology on society. In a nutshell, AI is becoming more and more integrated into our daily lives. From Elon Musk's chatbot to British teens using generative AI and the positive impact of internet use on mental health, it's clear that technology is advancing at a rapid pace. Who knows what the future holds? We can only imagine the possibilities In today's podcast, we discussed Elon Musk's chatbot 'Grok' coming to X, new research on British teenagers' use of generative AI and a new report which found that social media doesn't harm mental health. Thank you for tuning into the Thumos Podcast, where we delve into the impactful power shifts in media and technology that are shaping our world – don't forget to subscribe and join us again for our next episode!

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