Meta publishes new guide to its AI-driven ad campaigns

Meta publishes new guide to its AI-driven ad campaigns
Thumos Podcast
Meta publishes new guide to its AI-driven ad campaigns

Nov 03 2023 | 00:06:17

Episode November 03, 2023 00:06:17

Show Notes

In today's episode, we'll cover the release of Meta's guide for AI-driven Ad campaigns, the predicted growth of the generative AI market, OpenAI's efforts to attract developers, and the impact of AI campaigns on policy-making. Make sure to visit us at for more new content.

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Welcome to the Thumos Podcast, your go-to source for the latest information and stories about the technological power shifts in media, marketing and communications that are shaping the world around us. Make sure to visit us at thumos dot uk for more new content. In today's episode, we'll cover the release of Meta's guide for AI-driven Ad campaigns, the predicted growth of the generative AI market, OpenAI's efforts to attract developers, and the impact of AI campaigns on policy-making. Hey there! We have some interesting news to share with you today. Meta, the social media giant, has introduced its "Advantage Best Practices Guide", a comprehensive manual that promises to amplify the effectiveness of marketers' campaigns through the strategic use of AI and automation. This guide is tailored to the evolving Advantage+ campaigns, designed to capitalise on Meta's in-depth analysis of audience interests, driving enhanced performance for brands that fit the mould. Although the results have been mixed, with some campaigns underperforming, the successes reported by numerous marketers point to a significant potential when these tools are employed judiciously. Spanning 24 pages, the guide offers a detailed look at the various Advantage+ options, their individual benefits, latest features, and actionable tips to maximise campaign outcomes. Particularly in an era of stringent privacy regulations impacting data collection, Meta's Advantage+ campaigns, armed with the company's proprietary insights and systems, present a compelling solution for optimising ad performance. This pivotal guide stands as a crucial resource for marketers aiming to navigate the complex waters of digital advertising with Meta's platforms. Speaking of AI, did you know that the generative AI market is expected to hit a whopping $209 billion by 2032? That's according to a new report by Acumen Research. The company predicts generative AI is set to surge from $10.5 billion in 2022 to an estimated $209 billion by 2032, advancing at a compound annual growth rate of 35.1%. This burgeoning sector is catalysed by the escalating demand for AI-powered solutions across diverse industries, such as healthcare, finance, and media. North America, particularly the United States, commands the market, while the Asia-Pacific region, spotlighting China, Japan, and India, is geared up for significant growth rates due to increased digitisation and AI investments. Amidst the trend towards digital transformation and the infusion of capital into AI technologies, key players like D-ID, Genie AI Ltd, and Google are shaping a future rich with innovation and opportunities. However, the market does face challenges, such as the steep implementation costs and the dearth of skilled professionals capable of managing these advanced systems. Despite these hurdles, the generative AI landscape is flourishing, with technology advancements like Diffusion Networks and GANs fuelling its ascent and offering promising prospects in automation and efficiency for a myriad of sectors. That's a staggering number! It just goes to show how much potential this technology has and how it's becoming increasingly integrated into different industries. Next. OpenAI, the leading artificial intelligence firm known for its ChatGPT platform, is set to roll out significant updates designed to enhance developer experiences by reducing costs and increasing efficiency in building software applications with its advanced AI models. In a strategic move to bolster its technology's adoption and facilitate the creation of sustainable businesses, the company will introduce memory storage features to its development tools, potentially cutting application costs by up to 20 times. Furthermore, the integration of new vision capabilities promises a transformative impact on a multitude of sectors, from entertainment to healthcare, as developers gain the ability to imbue applications with sophisticated image analysis functions. This initiative underpins OpenAI's transition from a consumer-centric phenomenon to a developer-focused powerhouse, striving to make its AI models indispensable in an ever-expanding ecosystem of applications, amidst a year witnessing over $20 billion in investments channelled into AI startups. On a slightly different note, there's been some concern about AI panic campaigns. In a revealing exploration of the dynamics between technology and policy, Nirit Weiss-Blatt from AI Panic News delves into the strategic efforts of AI safety groups in her detailed expositions, 'The AI Panic Campaign Part 1 and Part 2.' These groups are said to engage in concerted "message testing," a technique designed to sway public perception and precipitate policy change by amplifying the existential risks of artificial intelligence. With narratives fine-tuned to demographic sensitivities—such as the notion of "dangerous AI" being more alarming to Republicans, while "superintelligent AI" strikes a chord with Democrats—these organisations ostensibly aim to seed a sense of crisis to catalyse support for drastic regulatory measures, including an AI research moratorium. This campaign, targeting the threads of public fear, seeks to forge an environment ripe for legislative intervention at pivotal junctures such as the recent UK AI Safety Summit. Yet, amidst these orchestrated alarms, a call for rational discourse grounded in scientific rigour persists, reminding us of the need for a measured approach to the discourse surrounding AI's place in society and governance. In conclusion, it's fascinating to see how AI is shaping different aspects of our lives, from advertising to developer incentives and even public policy. With Meta's guide, the growing generative AI market, and OpenAI's plans, it's clear that AI is only becoming more important. So let's keep an eye on these developments and see how they unfold in the future. On today's episode, we covered the release of Meta's guide for AI-driven Ad campaigns, the predicted growth of the generative AI market, OpenAI's efforts to attract developers, and the impact of AI campaigns on policy-making. Thank you for tuning into the Thumos Podcast, where we delve into the impactful power shifts in media and technology that are shaping our world – don't forget to subscribe and join us again for our next episode!

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