Apple seeks to bolster expertise in generative AI on mobile devices

Apple seeks to bolster expertise in generative AI on mobile devices
Thumos Podcast
Apple seeks to bolster expertise in generative AI on mobile devices

Aug 09 2023 | 00:03:53

Episode August 09, 2023 00:03:53

Show Notes

Welcome to the Thumos Podcast, your go-to source for the latest information and stories about the technological power shifts in media and technology that are shaping the world around us. Make sure to visit us at for more fascinating content. In today's episode, we'll cover Instagram's addition of 6 generative AI features, the widespread use of AI by marketers, Apple's plans to include generative AI on the iPhone, and the controversial launch of OpenAI's GPT-Bot.

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Welcome to the Thumos Podcast, your go-to source for the latest information and stories about the technological power shifts in media and technology that are shaping the world around us. Make sure to visit us at for more fascinating content. In today's episode, we'll cover Instagram's addition of 6 generative AI features, the widespread use of AI by marketers, Apple's plans to include generative AI on the iPhone, and the controversial launch of OpenAI's GPT-Bot. Hi there! A recent news report said Instagram is expanding its use of generative AI to transform interactions and engagement on the platform. Mobile developer and self-described ‘Leaker’, Alessandro Paluzzi has shared six generative AI features you may see coming to Instagram soon. These include new features like content labelling, message summaries, editing tools, stickers, comment generation and chatbots. This signals a shift toward more automated, personalized experiences on the Instagram platform and shows the company is whole-heartedly embracing the AI revolution. Next! An interesting joint survey by Ragan Communications and The Conference Board on generative AI's challenges in marketing and communications has recently been published. The research found that nearly 9 in 10 marketers and communicators have experimented with AI tools in their work. Most are now regular AI users. 68% of marketers and 60% of communicators report using AI at least sometimes in their daily workflows. AI is mainly used currently to boost productivity by summarizing content, automating repetitive tasks, and generating content faster. 82% of respondents expect AI adoption will improve productivity in marketing and communications. But views are mixed on whether AI will enhance or reduce work quality, creativity, job availability and team culture. Overall the findings suggest AI will transform marketing and communications workflows. If used to augment human creativity, AI could have a net positive impact. But risks need to be managed as adoption increases. Furthermore, AI is apparently coming to your iPhone soon. The Financial Times reports Apple is hiring dozens of researchers and engineers to work on large language models - the AI systems that can generate text, images or code. The goal is to adapt these LLMs to run efficiently on iPhones and iPads, rather than relying on cloud computing. This would allow for faster processing and better privacy and security. Apple sees generative AI as a core technology for future products. It is investing heavily in research despite being behind rivals like Google and Microsoft in releasing generative AI products so far. This inevitable move emphasizes the increasing importance of AI in mobile and highlights Apple's commitment to staying at the forefront of these advancements. Finally, OpenAI has launched GPT-Bot, a web crawler that collects publicly available data to train future AI models like GPT-5. GPT-Bot will scrape publicly available data, avoiding paywalls and removing sensitive information. Website owners can opt out by adding the bot to their robots.txt file. Critics argue the opt-out approach raises consent issues as OpenAI is not properly citing sources or acknowledging what sites it has already used. This is an ongoing development so we will continue to monitor what happens. So there you have it. Another exciting week of AI developments. In today's episode, we discussed the latest updates in AI, including Instagram's new generative AI features, the widespread use of AI in marketing, Apple's efforts to enhance generative AI on the iPhone, and the launch of OpenAI's GPT-Bot. Thanks for listening, and don't forget to subscribe and visit us at

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